02 August, 2009

Love Letter to Yourself, Part 1, a How To

When I sat down to think about what I was going to post today, I thought about something I hadn't seen that often: Love letters to oneself. I deiced that we need far more of these in our life, so today I bring you instructions on how to focus on the many wonderful aspects of you.
  1. Write a list of everything you love about your self, from the tiny details, to the big picture stuff. List the things you love about your body, your mind and your life in general.
  2. Write a rough draft, thinking of how you would write a love letter to the love of your life. It doesn't have to be flowery, but go for it if that's your style. You may write in simple, statement sentences, or you may want to write with lots of adjectives, it's all up to you.
  3. Use your favorite pen and nicest stationary to write up a good copy. I'm serious, it means to much more if you write it by hand.
  4. Now, it's up to you: you could send it to yourself in the mail, you could put it in a time capsule, you could slip it into the pages of book, really, whatever you want.
I hope this helps you be more positive and optimistic! Keep a look out over the next few days to hear about what I wrote in mine.

Love, Rosie


  1. aww this is so sweet of you Rosie :)! everyone could definitely do with more optimism!

  2. i love love letters.
    my husband still write me from time to time. sweet
